Get Involved
Statement of Endorsement
Kennebec County needs people like you who want to support a better future for ourselves and our community members.
Impact2032 establishes a vision for health, education and financial stability to improve lives in Kennebec County. We recognize that individuals and organizations across business, nonprofit and government sectors must work collectively to create the most significant and meaningful impact in our communities. Only when we come together can we acknowledge the needs, understand efforts that are underway and adjust or build systems to enhance the quality of life for everyone.
I and/or my organization believes in the value of communities working together to accelerate change and therefore endorses the visions of Impact2032.
What Happens Next?
We will be in touch with you directly to schedule a meeting about next steps. We will support you in determining ways you and/or your organization can shift from “endorse” to “advance” by developing an Impact2032 Plan. As part of the plan, we will help you identify what things you already have in place, what new things you may want to implement, and who you may want to connect with in the community. Each Impact2032 Plan will look very different depending on the nature and capacity of each organization.