Get Involved
United Way of Kennebec Valley (UWKV) advocates for a thriving Kennebec County.
To LIVE UNITED is not about politics. It’s about understanding the complex issues that face our communities, our state and our nation, and coming together to solve them. Together, we are the hand raisers, the game changes, and the agents of growth and change.
UWKV strives to improve Kennebec County by advocating for public policies that align with our mission and those of our partners. Our advocacy work focuses on building relationships and bringing people from all sectors together to discuss issues and create solutions.
Whether you’re advocating for health, education or financial stability, connecting with elected representatives, or displaying UWKV gear, you contribute to inspiring hope and creating opportunities in the community. Join us in speaking out for significant and measurable change, amplifying crucial issues, and advocating for policies that enhance every individual’s life in our community.
We collaborate with United Ways across Maine and the U.S., as well as state and local leaders, addressing disparities and fostering more equitable communities. Throughout the year, we work to maximize the collective impact of the United Way network by raising awareness on legislation affecting vital community resources like 211, VITA Free Tax Prep, and SNAP. We also advocate for the 42% of Kennebec County households that fall under the ALICE Threshold (link to ALICE page), earning more than the Federal Poverty Level, but less than the basic cost of living for the county.

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United Way Worldwide is leading the way on federal policies that impact millions of Americans.