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Workplace Giving
Giving to United Way of Kennebec Valley changes lives – 37,758 to be exact.
When you donate to United Way, you are investing in programs that provide people with the opportunities and resources they need to build strong, healthy and financially stable futures. Through workplace giving, UWKV can help businesses develop a customized workplace fundraising campaign that aligns with the values and interests of both your organization and your employees. We make it easy to give back to the community we all care so much about!
Workplace Campaigns
Workplace campaigns allow businesses and their employees to make a huge impact on our community. Through payroll deduction, individuals can support their favorite causes year-round, without breaking the bank.

365 Small Business Circle
For as little as $1 a day for 365 days a year, small businesses can give 30.1% of the Kennebec County population a hand up – not a handout.
Corporate Gifts
When you make a corporate donation, you create a win-win partnership that benefits your company, UWKV and the Kennebec Valley community. You help improve communities where your employees and customers live, work and play.