Impact2032 Highlight – Alfond Youth & Community Center

As the only combined Boys & Girls Club and YMCA program in the country, it’s no surprise that the Alfond Youth & Community Center (AYCC) has a huge focus on health and wellness for individuals of all ages. AYCC offers opportunities to engage in healthy behaviors as well as an array of prevention and wellness services for the community.

Whether through their licensed childcare, summer camps, youth development activities and programs, and/or healthy living programs and partnerships, AYCC increases the availability and promotes the consumption of healthier food and beverage choices. The organization follows the 5-2-1-0 Let’s Go and Child and Adult Certified Food Program (CACFP) guidelines for all services in which food is distributed, including the licensed childcare programs, Greenhouse to Your House and Sustainable Gardens.

AYCC also creates opportunities for achieving recommended levels of physical activity throughout each day for clients, employees, and community by offering a wide range of physical activities to children and adults, including virtual options for those who may be unable to visit the facility in person. Their programming includes open activities, such as Adventure Playland and the climbing wall, indoor track and open gym, multiple pools, and more organized programming like Kid Fit, athletics, martial arts, swim team and lessons, and group fitness classes including spin, Pilates, and yoga, etc.

In partnership with other health-oriented organizations in the community, AYCC also houses the Peter Alfond Prevention & Health Living, MaineGeneral Sports Medicine, and MaineGeneral Chronic Disease programs in an effort to improve consumers’ knowledge of health risks associated with certain behaviors and/or conditions.

Included in its Impact2032 Plan, AYCC is already working to expand its physical health programming to include a wholistic family wellness approach by developing a Wraparound Program for its families and members, as well as reaching into the surrounding community. The program will emphasize healthy family practices such as nutrition, dental wellness, physical fitness, opportunities for athletics, and community support services events.

On Key

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